Ironing Out the Kinks: A Splitboard Tour at Jenny Creek / Eldora

This last weekend, J and I headed out for, what we hoped was, a relaxing splitboard tour on the Jenny Creek Trail that starts right around the base area of the Eldora Ski Resort.  Unlike last time at Caribou, we actually had some sunshine and no wind and could focus on just being outside on the snow and not getting blown off the mountains.

We actually had sun this time.

We actually had sun this time.

The trail started off a little tricky.  I mean, I LOVE maps, and think I can read them pretty well, but unfortunately for us, all the nordic and snowshoe trails for Eldora ARE NOT on the standard topo maps.  Needless to say, we (I mean I) got pretty lost until a friendly nordic skier pointed us in the right direction and gave us a trail map.

"Are you sure this is the way Ry?"

“Are you sure this is the way Ry?”

Poles are nice.

Sure… just another quarter mile (I think)

After a good half mile detour and a bunch of stops to iron out our setups, we finally found the start of the Jenny Creek trail.

Finally... the trail!

Finally… the trail!

We continued on the trail for a little while as it pushed further away from the ski resort itself, and finally decided to turn around.  J and I were both STARVING at this point and were seriously craving some french fries.

Caution, smaution, Full Speed Ahead!

Caution, Smaution, Full Speed Ahead!

On the way back, we took the correct trail that basically skirts the lower bunny hill of the ski resort.  That meant that we got to “practice” our splitboard skiing, which, I must say, isn’t too pretty just yet.

Descending on the edge of the ski resort.

Descending on the edge of the ski resort.

Overall, we went about 2.5 miles and gained around 500′ on our little outing, but it was great to get the setup dialed and just to work up a good appetite.  Oh yeah, and we totally demolished some Five Guys fries when we got back to Boulder!

Google Earth RouteWEB PM